ا. د. عبدالرحمن السواري
- استاذ جامعي
- جامعة برمنجهام , المملكة المتحدة
AbdulRahman A. Alsewari received his Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering from University Science Malaysia (USM), Pinang, Malaysia in 2012. He has more than 11 years Research and Teaching experience in the domain of Computer Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, he is a Machine Learning lab leader, Seminar Coordinator and a senior lecturer at School of Computing and Digital Technology, Birmingham City University. He was an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Computing, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), where he has conducted Undergraduate and Masters Courses and supervised more than 50 B.Sc., 3 M.Sc. and 5 PhD students. He worked as a Research Fellow with Universiti Sains Malaysia since 2007 until 2012. His research interests include Soft Computing Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization Algorithms, Image Processing, and Machine Learning. He has led several projects funded by the Malaysian Ministry of higher education and University UMP. Currently, He is a member of a research group that submitted TWO bids (ONE funded by ESPR UKRI, and ONE KTP with Fedex). He has developed excellent track record of academic leadership as well as management and execution of international ICT projects that are supported by Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Dr. AbdulRahman has received number of prestigious international research awards, notably the excellent service award (APC) year 2020 for the quality & innovation UMP, the Best Paper Award at Softec2012 (Malaysia), ICSRS2018 (Spain), Best Supervisor Award at UMP, Awards in International Exhibitions including Special award and Gold in SIIF2018 Korea 2018, Gold BiS’17 UK, Most Commercial IT Innovation Award, Malaysia. Dr. AbdulRahman has co-authored of around 50 prestigious IEEE and Elsevier journal (e.g., IEEE, Natural Springer, Elsevier etc.) and conference publications (e.g., IEEE, Springer, etc.) and has served as an Advisory Board Member, Editor (IJSECS), Organizing Committee, Chair, Session Chair, Program Committee and Member of Technical Program Committee (TPC) in numerous leading conferences worldwide (e.g., IEEE ITSS-IoE2022, IEEE ITSS-IoE2021, IEEE ETCCE, IRICT 2014-2020, ICOCIN2020, ICSCA2017-2020 etc.) and Journals. He is a FHEA, a Fellow of IBM Center of Excellence and Earth Resources & Sustainability Center, Professional Technologist at Malaysia Board of Technology (MBOT), and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Impact of Generative AI In higher education
Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) that generates new material or data from preexisting data is known as generative AI (GenAI). Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the higher education industry. It can push teachers to provide more authentic evaluations while also assisting students in acquiring new skills and competencies. According to a number of studies, […]